Monday, June 3, 2024

Second Battle of Soissons - Romans win!

 I've decided to do the format of this battle report a little differently. Blogger displays very low-res images in the post, and one has to double-click on an image to see it at full resolution. To overcome this problem, I've included text with images. Just double-click on the first image then scroll through them to see the full report in all its glory, zooming in with your fingers as necessary.

On a PC you need to left-click on an image then right-click on expanded version and choose 'Open image in new tab' if you want to see the fully blown-up version (ka-boom!).

Image proportions are designed to correspond to those of a typical smartphone - chaps, please let me know if it works for you. If it doesn't I can always try something else.

So who had the better plan? The one lesson from this and the previous game is to avoid deploying too wide with rapport to your opponent. It is very difficult to get troops hanging out in space into the fight unless they are drilled and have a good commander (a poor commander will lack the command rating to change direction too much).

Both armies seem reasonably balanced with perhaps a slight edge to the Franks. I was thinking of dumping the Levy troops and boosting the number of Legions but on reflection better to just leave the Romans as they are. Campaign coming next.

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