Wednesday, July 26, 2023

How Optio works (in brief)

Here's an overview of Optio I've already posted on TMP but thought worthwhile reposting here. I'm busy working on a battle report that explains many of Optio's mechanisms but it's taking longer than expected. It'll appear in a couple of days.

This is really brief because there are too many rulesets and people have busy lives, and those who don’t are retired and welded to their old favourite rulesets anyway.*

*Edit: on reflection this is probably rude and inaccurate. Consider it unsaid.


  • VICTORY CONDITIONS (this is especially short)


The battlefield has a square grid, with squares measuring about 10x10cm. Stands are grouped into units and one unit occupies one square. There can be one or more stands in a unit - usual number is 2 or 4. Each unit has a counter tray placed behind the stands. On the counter base there is a morale counter on the left, an order/disorder counter in the middle and a shooting counter on the right.

Morale counter
Units have a certain number of morale intervals, depending on the unit. Morale intervals divide into firm and shaken - shaken intervals inflict a minus modifier on the unit in combat. Combat results in a unit losing morale until it routs.

Order/disorder counter
A few things disorder a unit, at which point the order/disorder counter is flipped over from the green to the red side. Depending on the nature of the unit, order is restored back to green quickly or more slowly.

Shooting counter
This records shooting hits. The counter is rotates as hits are received. Each time it passes through the red triangle the unit loses one morale interval. The shooting counter also has a background colour that indicates which command that unit belongs to.

Each army has one general and several commanders. These can be represented by individual figures
or long counters like this:

For a unit to be in command, it must be part of a battleline or battle column in which one of the units has a general or commander. Each general or commander has his own command indicated by the colour of the shooting counters on units - he can put only those units into command. Like this:

If a unit is not part of a battleline or battle column it is out of command and moves very slowly.

The general and commander has no command range: They must physically be part of a battleline or battle column to put the units into command. There’s more to it than that - there’s a simplified orders system for commanders for example - but that’s enough to go with for now.


Simple movement
Units can move one, two or three squares per turn. One for slow types like heavy infantry, two for light infantry, elephants and the like, and three for mounted units. Movement can be straight ahead or diagonally - a diagonal move counts as one square movement. A line can move diagonally once in a turn, a column any number of times. Units in line may also rotate 90 degrees, but that disorders every class of unit. You don’t do it unless you have to.

In addition to simple movement, a unit may perform one manoeuvre per turn. There are three kinds of manoeuvre:

Forming column from a line
Forming line from a column
Rotating 180 degrees

A word about columns: a column may turn 90 degrees any number of times without incurring disorder and at no movement cost, and a column may move twice in a turn, as near to enemy units as the player pleases. However columns cannot charge and do very badly if charged, so they need to be used with caution. Newbies who fall in love with columns' speed and manoeuverability tend to move them too close to enemy units where they get whacked.


Shooting units of both players may shoot once at any time during each player’s move (so twice in a turn). There is no separate shooting phase. Turn sequence BTW is:
  1. Player A moves all his units and executes charges. Both players shoot.
  2. Player B does likewise. Both players shoot.
  3. Disordered units restore order (this can take several turns to complete).
  4. Units in contact with enemy units execute melee combat at the end of the turn
Four shooting hits inflict the loss of one morale interval. Generally, skirmisher types inflict one shooting hit on armoured targets and 2 on unarmoured, whilst massed shooters like archers inflict 2 shooting hits on armoured targets and 3 on unarmoured targets. Shooting ranges vary from the adjacent square in front of javelineers to 4 squares for heavy artillery. The usual things like trees block line of sight.

When a unit charges another unit it moves to overlap that unit’s square and contacts it, like this:

Charge combat resolution is deterministic. Unit A scores so many hits against unit B that scores so many hits back against unit A. The number of hits a unit can inflict are indicated on a combat table that is army specific. There are a few modifiers, e.g. terrain, disorder, shaken morale, etc.

I have a master combat table with something like 34 troop types and counting. It’s a table in InDesign so if I need a combat table for two specific armies I just delete the unwanted troops type columns and rows and print out what’s left. This BTW eliminates about 80% of the modifiers found in other rulesets.

To resolve charge combat just subtract the lesser number from the greater and inflict that many morale step losses on the loser. If charge combat is a draw nothing happens. Generals or commanders can be a tie breaker by inflicting an extra combat hit. In the case of both units having a general or commander, the general with the greater combat rating inflicts the extra combat hit. If both have the same combat rating then - you guessed it - nothing happens.

Melee combat happens at the end of the turn and is like charge combat except that in the case of a draw both units lose one morale. This means that a unit with a superior morale rating - e.g. it has 5 morale intervals and its opponent has 4 - will ultimately win melee even if both units inflict the same number of hits on each other.

In melee, generals and commanders are not tie-breakers, but they can enable one shaken morale interval to be treated as firm, nullifying the minus modifier for being shaken.

Units are rated resolute, average or brittle. if a third of an army’s stands (not units) are routed all the brittle units immediately rout. If half of the stands are routed the average units immediately rout, and if two-thirds an army’s stands are routed the resolute units immediately rout and it’s game over. The loss of generals and commanders are equivalent to as many lost stands as the number in their red box. So if an army has 20 stands and 7 are lost plus a general worth 3 stands then that counts as half the army and the average units all rout.

When a unit routs, adjacent (including diagonally adjacent) enemy units may have their morale boosted by one interval. This puts them ahead in the demoralisation race, so it’s important to rout enemy units as quickly as possible.

And that, for the essentials, is it.

Edit: Rob below asked whether there are more than 4 intervals for the morale counter. Some counters have intervals on both sides for a total of 7 (plus one for the rout). Here are the counters from worst to best, plus both sides of the disorder counter. All counters rotate counterclockwise BTW.

Second edit: Cubes have pretty much taken over from counters. See more about them here.


  1. Can you provide a bit more detail on how the morale level counter works, it seems to only have up to 4 values (which I assume relate to morale states/intervals?) but how do you track losses that are not enough to drop a morale level? Also you refer, in one of your examples, to a unit having 5 morale intervals but the counters seem to be separated into just four quadrants.
    PS: not everyone who is retired has a closed mind.

  2. Welcome O enlightened one! Don't mind my grumping - I expected people to beat a path to my door, not insist that dice are indispensable (but I should have known better).

    Some morale counters have intervals on both sides which means you can have from 1 to seven intervals (with the eighth interval for the rout). I'll add them to the post to make things clearer.

    Shooting hits are effectively 1/4 a morale loss, so every time the red pointer on the shooting counter returns to the front, the unit loses a morale. In every other case a loss is at least one morale interval.

    Hope that helps.

    1. Double-sided! Don't why that didn't occur to me. Really interested now in the specifics of the C2; with a more deterministic approach to combat it's all down to the C2 to engineer a win. Looking forward to the next post. BTW have you tried refighting historical battles to see how closely the results mimic reality?

    2. Yep, it's down to manoeuvre and tactics. For C&C I've bent over backwards to give the player as much control as possible whilst remaining within reasonable historical limits. Essentially it works like this:

      There are three tiers of command: the general, the commanders and the captains. Army units are organised into commands, usually 3 - 6. The general has charge of one command, and the commanders each have charge of a command. The units of a command are in command if they are part of a battleline or battle column of which one unit has a general or commander (as described above). If not part of a battleline / battle column and without a general/commander a unit is out of command.

      The general represents the player and can go wherever he wishes, so within movement constraints a general's command can go anywhere (a battleline can advance directly ahead or diagonally and rotate 180 degrees; the lead unit of a battle column can rotate 90 degrees and move in a different direction, followed by the other units).

      The commander is presumed to have received orders before the battle. This is represented by him having an orders counter placed behind him. The orders counter is blue and has the numbers 1 - 4 on one side and 5 - 8 on the other . The number corresponding to the commander's command number (the number in the green box) is turned to face the commander (commanders rarely exceed a rating of 3). The commander may move directly or diagonally ahead freely with his unit - a commander stays with his unit for the duration of the battle. If however a commander and his unit change direction: left, right or about, the orders counter is rotated one number down. Once the counter drops below 1 it is removed and a round counter of that command's colour is placed on the battlefield square with the commander. Henceforward a commander may move normally two squares from that square if he commands foot, and 4 squares if he commands mounted. Beyond those limits he may move 1 square per turn. This represents his limited battlefield awareness once his orders run out, confining him to that sector of the battle.

      If a unit is detached from its battleline / battle column it is out of command and is now under its captain. It may move one square per turn if its movement rate is 2 or 3 squares, and 1/2 a square if its movement rate is 1 square. The latter is done by the unit moving to the edge of a square in one turn, then occupying the adjacent square in the next turn, then moving to the edge of that square in the following turn, and so on.

      When part of a battleline / battle column, units may never act independently. This means that if an infantry line, say, is outflanked by enemy cavalry who are approaching its flank or rear, the infantry can do nothing. They can't detach and turn to face the cavalry - unless the cavalry are adjacent to their flank/rear, by which time they've probably been charged in the flank or rear anyway.

    3. I have fought several historical battles with Optio with the result usually following history. But I find that historical battles often relied on the opponent being unaware of a trick pulled by the victorious commander which is impossible to replicate since both players know what happened.

    4. I am intrigued by the simplicity (elegance) of the commander ratings - it looks like something that has to be tried to see how it plays.
      As for battle refights, I meant having commander follow the historical 'script' rather than free playing it. That way a battle ought to follow history, or if not, is hopefully only a factor or move away from the historical outcome.

    5. Sure, if I know exactly what moves the historical armies made, it's just a simple case of tweaking the numbers for combat and morale to produce the historical result. I haven't actually tried yet. Must give it a go.

  3. Is it true that,

    "there are too many rulesets and people have busy lives, and those who don’t are retired and welded to their old favourite rulesets anyway."?

    With a steady stream of new rulesets being published, I reckon this is not the case at all. By the way, Old Dogs can be taught new tricks.

    This was a very useful and informative post that helps clarify much about your rules' design. Thank you for providing an illustrated overview!

  4. Great work Justin and it should never be underestimated how hard it is to produce a set of rules let alone make them look good!
